CAD Entw�rfe |CAD Konvertierung|Architektonisches Rendering|Raster zu Vector|Mechanische Zeichnungen|Architektonische CAD Entw�rfe
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Scan to CAD Conversion

Do you want to quickly and easily digitize your scanned drawings into accurate DWG, DXF (DGN or any other CAD formats) for fast and efficient editing in CAD - without spending a fortune? We at Design Presentation offer you digitization/ vectorization, a robust and comprehensive conversion solution that is suitable for every professional, commercial, industrial and scientific activity.

Vectorization is the most powerful solution for digitizing vector data from image sources. Our competitively priced solution saves you money and advanced performance saves you time.

There are many advantages of Scan 2 CAD Conversion:
spacerResolution Independent: A vectorized image has no jaggedness, no loss in detail and can be printed at any resolution.
spacerSize Independent: The image can be scaled up or down without any loss in quality.
spacerCan be Updated or Partially Changed: A library can be maintained and can be upgraded or partially changed.
spacerCan be archived and stored for later use: The archive of the artwork can be used for literature, manuals, brochures, newspapers, service bulletins and host of areas.

Sacn to CAD Conversion (Portfolio Samples)
CAD Conversion Sample1 - Before ba_new CAD Conversion Sample1 - After
In order to digitize your raster images, we create a drawing as a new file; the final output is editable and will be in DXF, DWG or DGN format and can have as many layers as you require.
CAD Conversion Sample2 - Before ba_new CAD Conversion Sample2 - After
We provide highly accurate, cost-effective digitization services with a quick turn around even on large jobs.We offer the digitization of architectural, engineering, construction, and CAD or GIS files.
More Samples

You can use digitization procedure to process charts, drawings, maps, schemes and other similar images. We offer both manual and automated (auto-vectorization) services. We offer a unique platform for industry-oriented solutions and have various tools to get a perfect set of vector data faster and easier. We offer architectural, civil, engineering, construction, electrical, mechanical CAD or GIS files, ready-to-use, created from raster images, maps, blueprints etc. We render prompt, error free, accurate, reliable and economical services to our clients.

The key advantages of Scan2CAD service include:
spacerWe normally create a drawing as a new file; the final output is editable and will be in DXF or DWG, DGN or any other CAD format s
spacerSince we create a new file, we can create as many layers as you require. We generate separate layers for dimensions, text, body, hidden lines, and centerlines, etc.
spacerText is separated and has its own layer and is recognizable as text
spacerDimensions are intact and are shown by a separate layer.
spacerHigh accuracy
spacerCost effective hand-drawn conversions.
spacerQuick turn around, even on large jobs
spacerFeature Extraction
spacerGeo-coding of databases
spacerLocal Area Planning (District Planning Maps, Census Maps, etc.)
spacerSpatial Analysis and Modeling
spacerUtility Mapping

The converted drawings[ Scan2CAD] are manually drawn with precision and are fully editable and contains:
spacerAccurate layer information
spacerAccurate text (editable)
spacerAccurate line types (editable)
spacerAssociative dimensions (adjustable)
spacerAssociative hatch patterns (editable)
spacerSymbols & blocks of standard components
spacerTitle blocks (as per scale)

Data Entry, Data Scrubbing, Digitization

File Conversion, Precision Redraw (manual vectorization), Tracing GIS: Data Attribution, DEM Data, Geo-referencing, Rubber-sheeting

Data Conflation, Feature Extraction, Orthophoto Rectification, Photo-grammetry

Design Presentation supports over 300 different image formats including IMG, JPEG, PCX, PDF, PICT, and TIFF

FTP, E-mail, CD-Rom, etc.


Our digitizing services will allow you to convert any logo or graphic to vector format. If you have an old logo, graphic or artwork that is hand drawn or scanned, it can be digitized. All we need from you is a scan or copy of the image to be digitized, just clear enough to see details. Our ideal mix of quality, consistency and competitive prices has led to long term relationships with customers. Our large infrastructure and experience allows us to provide highest quality of CAD services at amazing low prices.

We guarantee 99.99% accuracy in the final output.
arrowleft Architectural Drawings arrowleft Geological arrowleft Piping Drawings
arrowleft Engineering Drawings arrowleft Outcrops arrowleft Profiles
arrowleft Electrical Drawings arrowleft HVAC Drawings arrowleft Structural Drawings
arrowleft Feature Extraction arrowleft Landscaping Drawing arrowleft Surveying/Benchmarking
arrowleft Flood and/ or Soil Maps arrowleft Lease Boundaries arrowleft Tax Mapping
arrowleft Flow Chart/ Process Diagrams arrowleft Mechanical Drawings arrowleft Topological Maps
arrowleft Geographical Boundaries arrowleft Parcel Mapping arrowleft Watershed Maps
arrowleft Photo-grammetry Services        

We use in-house software and techniques for de-speckling and de-skewing rasters. We use a heads-up manual redraw process for conversion to ensure dimensionally accurate CAD perfect output.

We have a large pool of Engineers and CAD Technicians that can produce high-end vectorized output from a raster format. The team is headed by qualified engineers with extensive experience in their respective areas of expertise. Our customers include the most prestigious names in engineering, large and small, throughout North America and Europe.

We individually craft our imaging services to address each client's specific needs, never force-fitting customers into a standardized framework. Having served a large number of clients worldwide, we are familiar with the detailing procedures that are seldom captured by any purely software-based solutions.



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