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Data Entry

Design Presentation utilizes advanced technologies to convert image-based or audio-based formats into digitized forms, which can be used in database and document management systems. We provide high volume, overnight data entry services to banks, retail organizations, medical research facilities, universities, insurance companies, mailing services firms, direct marketing and database marketing firms, newspapers, large corporate enterprises, and trade associations.

We understand that data is the life-blood of one’s organization, and that data entry services can greatly increase productivity. Accurate and error-free data entry is critical for transaction execution, decision-making and customer support.

We provide high quality, cost-effective and confidential data entry services for following: Accounting/bookkeeping data

arrowleftMailing list maintenance

arrowleftSurveys (including handwritten and forms design)

arrowleftDatabases and directories

We offer our clientele a wide range of Word Processing Services at competitive prices and work around the clock. Email or fax us your requirement today.
Data Entry (Portfolio Samples)
We provide high quality, cost-effective and confidential data entry services.
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