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TIFF to DWG Conversion

Tagged Image File Format or TIFF is a file format for mainly storing images,. TIFF is a popular format for high color depth images. TIFF format is widely supported by image applications such as Photoshop (Adobe), GIMP, Ulead (PhotoImpact) and PaintShop Pro (Corel) and by scanning, faxing, word processing, optical character recognition, and other applications. It is because of its easy view-ability that TIFF files are one of the most used forms.

We convert your TIFF image files to AutoCAD (DWG) format. Our manual TIFF to DWG conversions are fully editable, multi-level and are 100% dimensionally accurate. We follow AIA leveling standards and can also accommodate your leveling standards. The final output is editable and will be in DWG format because we create the drawing as a new file. We can create as many levels as you require. Our TIF to DWG conversions, Tiff to DXF, Tif to DXF, entail separate levels for dimensions, text, body, hidden lines, and centerlines, etc. Text is separated and has its own level and is recognizable as text. Dimensions are intact and are shown by a separate level.

DWG conversions are vectorized artwork which are scalable and do not get pixilated on zooming. These DWG files can be used in any size and for many purposes. They can be used for websites, brochures, catalogues, etc. As they are high in resolution, scaling does not affect the quality or clarity of work. We use a combination of both manual techniques and latest technology, to make your file error free. A/E/C companies prefer the use of manual vectorization Tiff to DGN. Many a time old papers tend to lose their clarity and proportion, if we scan them in TIFF format and convert them using auto-vectorization software's it would just take the size as per the sheet. Our experts digitize your drawings according to the dimensions mentioned, giving you error-free, easy to manage and clear DGN files.



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